

Voodoozoo studio is in the middle of the desert.


Go down the secret staircase and you will find an underground  small recording space.


Our music is drifting near you using radio waves.

Our music is covered in sand.


Released album











  Garage electric rock band!!!

The musicality of each album is quite different, but we will try to unify them by collecting them in one place and mixing them with noise.


Childish Head 

 Dancer Performer. most of the time he is eating or lying down.

The person who pushes the start button of the drum machine.



 Record producer ,songwriter.

synthesizer guitar plyer and vocalist.

Put together the music of voodoozoo with poor equipment.


Abraham Wolf Raz

A collector of all kinds of equipment and information. Geek. Liver destruction.  quite enthusiastic about music and has his own perspective and ideas.In the secret, he controls the musicality of voodoozoo. Coordinator.. and music store owner.

>voodoozoo 1   (May 5, 2017) 


>Stamp out the human life (vdz2)  (March 10, 2018) 


>voodoozoo 3 (August 17, 2018) 


>Tfhuacnkk (November 30, 2018) 


>Beak and Mouse  (March 27, 2019) 


>After that happen that...  (July 12, 2019) 


>Effects of darkness and electric current on mice     (August 28, 2019) 


>Snake Charmer  (December 25, 2019)   


>Spoiled brats  (April 23, 2020)   


>Quadruped walking steel mill  (May 10, 2020)


>How to use the devil's fork (November 16, 2020)


>Be trapped in a foreign sand land (January 4, 2021)


>Ruthless me and high voltage coming from somewhere (March 18, 2021)

 >Black market behind Count Barnard's farm (August 13, 2021)   <article> 


                                    Oh....It's annoying to write anymore.  See our bandcamp for more.



Perpetual motion  machines


music video

catapult labpraory


made artwork, video and design of all this studio.


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